Science and Technology
Preschoolers as Scientists
In this workshop participants will:
Learn the HighScope’s approach to science in the preschool classroom.
Explore scientific ideas.
Share ideas for encouraging science at home.
Length: 60 minutes
CKC: Learning Environments and Curriculum
Delivery Method: In-person, live virtual
Step 1 hour LEC training certificate can be issued to teachers that attend.
Exploring the Natural and Physical World
In this workshop participants will:
Closely observe and describe natural materials in the outdoor environment. Learn strategies to get children thinking about the natural and physical world.
Length: 60 minutes
CKC: Learning Environments and Curriculum
Delivery Method: In-person, live virtual
Step 1 hour LEC training certificate can be issued to teachers that attend.
Science and Sensory Play
In this workshop participants will:
Make connections between sensory play and science.
Discover ways to support sensory play at home.
Length: 60 minutes
CKC: Learning Environments and Curriculum
Delivery Method: In-person, live virtual
Step 1 hour LEC training certificate can be issued to teachers that attend.