Understanding & Guiding Behavior (UGB)
Knowledge of developmentally appropriate and culturally appropriate guidance theories, principles, and practices. Providing positive guidance to foster self-esteem, self-regulation, constructive behavior, and positive relationships for children.
Current Sessions in Understanding & Guiding Behavior (UGB)
Session 3: Responsive and Nurturing Caregiving
In this session, participants will gain an understanding of the basic principles of responsive and nurturing caregiving. By building an awareness of the vital importance of nurturing and responsive relationships has on the healthy development during the first years of life, participants will identify responsive ways that caregivers can connect with young children in their child care settings to build nurturing relationships
Set One 3 Hours CKC: UGB
Session 4: Social Emotional Development
Participants will learn to recognize the following components:
Identify how sense of identity and belonging are components of social & emotional development in very young children
Introduce emotional literacy and steps to support a young child’s introduction to emotions
Gain awareness of a individual child’s temperament in order to classify the “Goodness of fit” with the individual child’s temperament
Set One 3 Hours CKC: UGB
Social-Emotional Skills for Early Learning
In this session, participants will understand the importance of helping children develop social-emotional competence and self-regulation skills. Recognize the importance of their role in successful implementation.
Learn about the resources available to help them teach the program successfully. Get excited about teaching Second Step skills to children
Set One 3 Hours CKC: UGB