Diversity (DIV)

Knowledge, recognition, respect and acceptance of differences in race, gender, ability, age, language, family composition, culture, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, and religion. Modeling acceptance and respect, promoting equity, and weaving anti-bias awareness and respect for diversity throughout all interactions, practices and program activities.

Current Diversity Sessions

  • Session 2: Culturally Responsive

    In this session, participants will gain an overview of culture, and the influence it has on our beliefs, values & behaviors. Through self reflective practices, participants will build an awareness of cultural humility practices and culturally responsive policies that can strengthen the children and families and your experience in the early learning setting.

    Set One 3 Hours CKC: DIV

  • Walking the Walk: Antiracist Practices in Early Childhood

    Following an anti-bias approach in your program is important, but educators are being called to a higher standard of explicitly antiracist practices. We'll examine the construction of racial identity and how it influences our actions. We'll then develop strategies for antiracist work at the instructional, interpersonal, and administrative levels. Leave empowered and committed to implementing your plan.

    Set Two 3-6 Hours CKC: DIV


Human Growth & Development (HGD)